Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Word of the day:
PLUCKY: gutsy, feisty
Ex: It is easy to intimidate the timid, but not the plucky.

This is an incisive perspective on economic systems:

Life isn’t yin or yang; life is yin and yang. Europe, and the US, are “mixed” economies. (If the US were a purely capitalist economy, there would be no public schools, roads, parks, Social Security, MediCare, etc.)
For my money, nothing is going to work for everybody without population control and limits on personal wealth. Capitalism’s dependence on ever-expanding markets and cheap labor and raw materials is unsustainable. The social justice of socialism, (and environmental equilibrium,) is unattainable without limits on population. (How can you cater a party without knowing how many guests there are?) Social justice is also impossible when wealth is concentrated among a few individuals, yet the entreprenurial/creative spirit of human nature is essential to human progress.   -Ralph Averill

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